Sunday, February 7, 2010

TOBY "Almond Roca" BARATTA R.I.P.

Well we have been dreading it but the poor ole' boy was just ready to go up to the big green lawn in the sky. Mom had to put Toby down on January 29. His bladder cancer really took it out of him and the poor boy just was ready to go up with Pocky. So here's some photo's of the Poot. We Miss You POOTERS


Okay for anyone who said getting pregnant was are nuts! and yes I've even tried the whole put your legs up in the air to let gravity do the work lol. But now i'm not so stressed about it as I was a few months back. It will happen when it happens.

On a different subject we had a great holiday season!! New years was WAY TO MUCH FUN!! We had the Shehorns, the Fussys, Tesa, Tony,Emily, Xavier and Miss Nez over to ring in the new year. We stayed in a played board games all night. Sounds boring but it was HILARIOUS!!! We are very blessed to have such great friends!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Well........Here goes nothing

Well after a year of reading two of my cousins blogs (Keri and Drew and Miranda and Troy) I decided its time for us to start our own.
Let's see here's where we are up till now.........
Nic and I got married September 15,2008, we moved to Bakersfield that following November, and this past march We bought our house. Here's the link to our house Orion is in love with the fact that he no longer has to be imprisoned to Grandma and Grandpa's back yard. He LOVES the house and cuddling with Mommy and Daddy on the bed....and yes he still thinks he's ten pounds rather than the eighty pounds he is.
Oh and yes we are still having a big wedding ceremony... some time soon we are just waiting on our tax money to come...So I will keep you guys up dated
Anyhow here are some photo's. I'll post more stuff later